Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Here we Go… Again

Here we Go… Again

Here we go again; this is one of the most controversial years in College Football history. Of course I speak of the BCS and its inequities. The Bowl Computer System seemed to have its place, but not anymore. Not when every year you have so many undefeated teams who are computed out as not good enough to play for the national championship. I can’t imagine the feeling when you have trained all year, fought and overcome every team on your schedule, and still not being computed in. Teams have no real power to alter their schedules making them completely at the will of the BCS. They have been deprived of their one goal, because one computer program says that this team in another conference is better than you. Even if that team has lost once or twice, if the computer says they are better then you are hamstrung. You also have no chance of setting that computer right by playing that team (which is supposedly better than you). Like I said there was a time and place for the BCS, way back when there were not as many teams with flawless or nearly flawless records. Now is the time to do what our recent president has suggested and have a college playoff. I didn’t vote for Obama, but I would definitely have a much higher opinion of him if he brought to the forefront this injustice that is the BCS. It was part of his campaign he said “ if I could change something in college football, I would have a playoff”. You don’t have to agree with his politics, but most avid sports fans would agree to do anything to be part of the first playoff in college history. I understand why they still want to keep the system around. Money talks as they say and having 26 bowl games is much more lucrative than an 8 game playoff. Look at all the corporate sponsors attached to those bowl games. Chick-Fil-A Bowl, Tostinos Bowl, Out Back Bowl etc. Colleges have grown accustomed to getting the massive revenue received from their football team, and changing from the bowl game to a playoff would jeopardize this income. I hope I will see a playoff any way , because it is wrong to deprive these young athletes the chance and experience of a lifetime just so the SEC can make a couple extra million dollars.



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