Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Dan Markovich
Dr. Ruth
Public Relations
30 November 2009
I always have read blogs and never realized the potential Public relations applications they can offer for any field. This was my first time blogging and it was interesting to actually do something that people could potentially follow if your blog is relevant and entertaining to read. Blogging doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out and certain applications make the blog more interesting. Those applications took some getting used to. While doing the blog I looked a little more in depth than usual into the sports world to grasp the Public relations in the real world. I had never looked at it in this light, and I felt a better understanding of different types of media. Not only because it taught me a new technical skill in blogging, but it also broadened horizons in teaching me how pivotal Public Relations is for the business of athletes and sports organizations alike. I still have much to learn about what is appropriate for this more informal way of writing known as a blog, but that will come with more experience and when I better understand my audience. Hopefully if I get a PR job, I will be the one to blog for that company If it will help reach the consumer.

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