Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger wood’s first PR Nightmare.

Tiger woods’ has been the poster boy for the PGA and how to be a mature athlete dealing with the constant fame. He has done a wonderful job staying free from scandal which in turn has made him one of the safest and most heavily endorsed athletes of all time. Years of excellent golf and raking in hundreds of millions a year has seemingly caught up to him. In recent media he has made his first PR nightmare. The circumstances are still being sorted out, but his image is being torn apart by the media because of his refusal to have a prepared statement about what went on that night between him and his wife. By not speaking to the media at all, he has opened the door for speculation, was he drunk driving crashing that care in the driveway? He did his 100 pound wife drag him from the driver’s door all the way out the back window? Was there another woman? The speculation goes on, because of how impeccable his image has been and how famous an athlete he is. Anyone who has ever taken a pr class knows that by not addressing the media, you are basically completely guilty. Sorry Tiger you dropped the ball on this one.




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